A New Resolution Page 4
“Oh, yes, please.”
“Actually, Ms. Beyer, may I call you Lore?” She nodded. “Would you like to come over and have dinner with Kieran and me? Just a friendly get-together.” He let go of her hand at her surprised yet playful expression, knowing when to push his luck and when to pull back.
“I don’t know if that would be suitable.” She adjusted the strap on her briefcase as the elevator signaled its arrival. He stepped in with her, intending to walk her down to the lobby. The doors closed, and they were alone. The room filled with her scent, and he became hyperaware of the sweet aroma of cinnamon. He thought it was an interesting choice of scent for the woman; she seemed more a lilacs-and-violets type of person with all her contained control. Perhaps she was wilder than she let on, desiring darker and more exotic fantasies than she’d have the outside world believe. “You are my lawyer.”
“Well, not technically. I was just assisting in a case with your lawyer. A case that is now over. Kieran would love to cook for you. I’m pretty sure he’s mentioned you after his class a time or two. I just didn’t realize it was you until you mentioned the yoga. He loves cooking for guests. I promise it will be decent, appropriate fun.” The door opened to the lobby, and he gestured for her to precede him.
“I’ll have to think about it,” she said with a nod, her small heels clicking against the pristine marble floor of his building. The wide glass doors ahead of him signaled the end of his short moment with her. He didn’t want it to end. He couldn’t wait to tell Kieran of this interesting development. “I’ve been rather busy lately.”
“With what, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“Packing up my parents’ house before selling it. I’ve been procrastinating for a long time now.”
“Sounds like a big job. Need any help?”
“Thank you but, no, it’s something I have to do on my own. Please tell Kieran I look forward to seeing him this Sunday at class. Have a good day, Mr. Roscoe.”
He took her hand and squeezed it quickly before letting go and backing away from the lobby doors. “Please, call me Nolan.”
“Have a good day, Nolan.”
Chapter Three
Kieran heard the front door open right as he dropped a can of paint down his front. “Shit!”
“Hey, babe—” Nolan stopped midstep as the state of Kieran’s workshop came into his sight. Kieran looked around with a grimace, seeing it from a new point of view instead of the evolution he had witnessed throughout the day. It was usually pretty messy, but today it was a bona fide disaster area.
“What the hell happened here?” his sexy lawyer asked, gesticulating to the room in shock, which by no means diminished the sheer masculine authority of the man. Kieran should have been somewhat chagrined by his ever-present need for Nolan, especially at inopportune times, but even in a state of annoyance, Nolan still looked hot as hell in a suit.
“It’s been a rough day. Nothing is cooperating,” Kieran complained, letting the can fall to the concrete floor, then sinking down to join it. It wasn’t until his jeans soaked with liquid that he realized there had been a sizable paint puddle where his ass was now located.
Nolan saw the pained look on Kieran’s face, lowered his gaze to catch the source, and burst out laughing. He set the Chinese take-out bag on the floor and leaned against the one paint-free spot in the entire room to support himself in his laughter—the computer desk. Kieran couldn’t help but join Nolan in his mirth. When Nolan laughed, you laughed with him. There was no way to avoid being affected by the natural joy and confidence the man projected. It was one of the reasons Kieran loved him so much. Not to mention the sexy, cocoa-colored skin and hazel eyes that would light up at the smallest hint of pleasure. Yes, Kieran was a lucky man, and he had it bad.
“Need some help?” Nolan asked, resting his hand over his taut stomach after his laughter subsided.
Kieran waved him off. “Nah, you’ll get your suit messed up. I’ll clean up in a bit.”
Nolan gave him one of his considering stares for a moment before conceding Kieran’s point with a nod and taking the food bag out of the room. Kieran remained in the puddle for a few minutes, thinking of what he should attempt to clean first. He was about to just say fuck it and go take a shower when Nolan walked back in. Bare-assed naked.
“Think I can help clean in this?” Nolan asked, his voice making Kieran’s heart vibrate with its deep timbre.
“Fuck, yes,” Kieran rasped, never failing to feel shell-shocked whenever he saw Nolan’s naked body. The man was pure sex. Dark, smooth skin highlighted by the subtle tonality of his muscles. Black, closely shorn hair, framing a face with a chiseled jaw and plump lips. The man was masculinity incarnate, but those lips—Kieran could suck and kiss those perfect lips for days.
But right then it wasn’t the jaw or the lips or the skin that held Kieran’s attention. It was his lover’s cock, jutting proud and so thick from a thatch of dark and curly hair, framed by large testicles that he knew when licked the right way would make Nolan shiver. It was a beautiful cock, just as the rest of Nolan was beautiful. Kieran had spent many a night and day worshipping that cock. Kissing it, touching it, writhing on top of it as it speared his ass.
He was overcome. He wanted to do it all over again right at that moment.
Kieran tugged Nolan down to the floor, ignoring the sound of his lover’s knees falling into a puddle of paint. As Kieran pressed his lips to Nolan’s, kissing him with a slow and decadent pace, his lover’s hands instantly went to Kieran’s jeans, unzipping and shoving them down his hips with an urgency that contradicted the methodical torture of the kiss.
Kieran shuddered as Nolan’s large hand encircled his shaft, his fingers rubbing up and down the painfully hard length. Kieran took hold of Nolan’s cock in return, unable to fully close his hand around the impressive girth, and began to stroke. Agonizingly slow. He could tell Nolan wanted him fast and hard, a need having risen in him seemingly before he even got home. But Kieran had missed his lover that day and wanted to take things slow.
He took control of the situation.
With a quick-handed shift of power, Kieran used his large body to press Nolan down to the floor before caging Nolan’s hands over his head. Nolan moaned as their cocks touched, the heat from his lover’s body making Kieran sweat. As much as he wanted to, Kieran wouldn’t let the eager cry egg him on to speed up the proceedings. Not yet.
“Kier,” Nolan begged, pressing his groin up into Kieran’s, grinding their cocks together. “Kier. You know what I want.”
“I do.” Kieran nodded, unable to keep the grin off his face. “But you’re gonna wait for it.” He wrapped Nolan’s wrists in one hand and stuck three of his fingers past those pouty lips and into Nolan’s mouth. “Suck my fingers, Nolan. Get them wet.”
Nolan whimpered before his eyes lit up and he began to suck with eagerness. The feel of his tongue slipping and sliding over Kieran’s fingers was almost enough to make Kieran shoot, but he held off, torturing them both by keeping up a steady grind. Their cocks were both so hard, and Kieran’s sac felt heavy enough to burst. He lived for these moments with Nolan, loved to see the pleasure-filled anticipation and agony on his face.
He pulled his fingers out of Nolan’s mouth and replaced them with his lips, kissing him with slightly more intense pressure, their need for one another hitting a fever pitch, their lips grinding and teeth skimming one another’s. He quickly trailed his wet fingers over Nolan’s perfect body and down to his goal.
Kieran rested his three fingers against Nolan’s rim, teasing and circling, dragging the wet digits up to his taint and back. After a minute Nolan was moaning, begging for Kieran to take his ass and fuck him hard, just as he needed. Nolan liked to be in charge a lot of the time, but when he needed to be fucked, he needed it hard and rough.
It was easy for Kieran to press his fingers past those rings of muscles, as wet as they were and as familiar as Nolan’s body was with his. Nolan’s ass was made for
taking cock, which was perfect as his cock was made for fucking Nolan’s ass. His ass cheeks were a flawless bubble, a pillow so firm and soft they cushioned Kieran’s hips dreamily whenever he fucked that tight chute, as he was about to do.
“Ah, yes, baby.” Nolan gasped against Kieran’s lips, grinning as he dug his heels into the ground to fuck himself down on Kieran’s fingers. “I want more. I want your cock. Fuck me now; I need it.”
“I know you do.” Kieran kissed him hard, removing his fingers and lining his cock up with that tight little hole. “I know you need”—a hard push past those muscles and Nolan’s moan echoed around the room—“a hard fucking to get you by.”
“Yes, that’s what I want,” Nolan panted. “Right there.”
Kieran pushed off his prone position on Nolan’s chest, releasing his man’s wrists. Nolan’s hands instantly began to pet and stroke Kieran’s paint-covered body. He loved touching Kieran all over when they made love. He always said the tactile connection made it more, brought them closer together and further in tune with one another. Kieran sat back on his heels, taking Nolan’s legs and wrapping them around his waist, knowing exactly what this man needed.
He started to thrust, so unbearably slow that Nolan cursed him, pounded his hands against the floor, and splashed paint all around them as he hit the puddles. But Kieran didn’t want to give in just yet. He wanted to take it slower just to stretch out the torture.
“Fuck me harder, Kier,” Nolan demanded, gripping Kieran’s waist with his legs even tighter, urging him on.
“Not yet,” Kieran groaned, taking Nolan’s cock in his hand and beginning to stroke, timing the rhythm with his thrusts. It drove Nolan wild. The man was in the thick of it, feeling Kier as he ground his cock against that kill spot within Nolan’s passage, forced to endure such wicked pleasure as he jerked Nolan off with a practiced patience.
Kieran tortured him for a while longer, knowing his sexy man could handle it, the slow thrust and grind movements twisting together to form a deep storm in Kieran’s groin. The orgasm he felt building would be more than explosive.
Without warning, Nolan’s ass squeezed down on Kieran’s cock, making his eyes roll back into his head from the pleasure of it. Kieran looked up to see a wicked grin on Nolan’s face as he purposefully squeezed Kieran’s shaft hard, milking Kieran for all he was worth in retaliation.
Kieran growled, his patience having run out. He dropped Nolan’s legs and came down over him once more, bracing his hands on the floor by Nolan’s shoulders. Playtime was over.
His thrusts were a hard, almost vicious pace. A wildness he knew Nolan lived for.
“Fuck, yes, right there,” Nolan cried, pulling Kieran’s forehead down to rest on his, the eye contact propelling Kieran’s lust higher and making him pick up the pace. “Fuck me, Kier. Make me come.”
Nolan was such a vocal lover, spurring his lust to new heights with the wicked words he would whisper in Kieran’s ear. Kieran’s balls were heavy, drawing up into his body and so ready to shoot, his gut twisting in search of a release so close. He pounded his cock in and out. In and out. Over and over. Their bodies slick with sweat, their cries and moans were the only sounds besides that of their flesh meeting.
“Oh, fuck, Kieran!” Nolan yelled before kissing him with a brutal need as his cock spurted his cum onto their stomachs. Kieran followed him into ecstasy, his juices filling that sweet, dark hole, claiming him. Loving him.
“Love you,” Kieran gasped, kissing Nolan gently, thrusting within him with every burst of his cum. “Love you.”
As their orgasms subsided, they lay there for a good while, just breathing one another in, enjoying the press and heat of their bodies. Kieran pulled out gently before rolling onto his back. Nolan moved to rest his head on Kieran’s shoulder. Kieran loved this as much as the sex. He was too much of a guy to call it cuddling, but the togetherness they felt after a vigorous fucking was pleasing and calming. Nolan centered his hectic mind like no other.
“So,” Kieran said after a while, reluctantly pushing away from Nolan, then heading toward the sink in the corner of the room to clean up. The soap in his studio was more for getting paint and charcoal off his hands, but he’d used it for these purposes before. “What made you come home hot and horny?”
Nolan leaned up on his elbow, a smarmy smirk making him appear well satisfied. “Besides seeing you half-naked and dirty with paint all over you?”
“I know there are few sights better…but yes.” After deeming himself clean, Kieran wet a clean washcloth with warm water and came back to sit with Nolan on the floor. Nolan turned on his side without needing to be asked and sighed contentedly as Kieran began to clean him.
“You know that sexual harassment case we’ve been working on at the office?”
Kieran paused. “A sexual harassment case turned you on? Is there a psychosis I was previously unaware of that I need to be worried about?”
“Shut up or I won’t tell you anything.” Nolan laughed, turning back to give Kieran’s nipple a sharp bite in reprimand. Kieran caught Nolan’s jaw between his hands and bent to kiss him, pushing him down onto the floor. He rubbed his face across Nolan’s chest before nuzzling his neck and breathing him in while Nolan continued to talk. “The woman who originally brought the case to Wayne is apparently the same woman you have the hots for in your Sunday yoga class.”
“Lore?” Kieran looked up at Nolan with glee, running his hand gently up and down Nolan’s chest, luxuriating in the coarse hair tickling his fingers. “You met Lore? Holy fuck, no wonder you were horny. That woman was made to be bent over and fucked.” He frowned playfully, and then stuck his lips out in a petulant pout. “Only by us, though.”
“You don’t think she’s a bit…aloof?”
Kieran sat up, feeling slightly bad at Nolan’s wince as his ass sat back in a blue paint puddle. So much for cleaning him up. “Yeah, she’s quiet, but I’m telling you, Nolan, there is more there, something beneath that icy exterior that is screaming for a couple of guys like us to discover.”
“To discover?” Nolan went to run his hand over his hair before stopping, seeing there was red paint coating his fingers. “She isn’t a woman to be conquered, Kier. Don’t turn her into one of your art projects. The woman just got out of a sexual harassment case, for Christ’s sake.”
“I know that. You know what I mean, don’t you?” Kieran needed him to know, to feel what he felt for the raven-haired goddess.
Nolan scratched his stubble-filled jaw, clearly forgetting his other hand was covered in paint as well. His jaw looked remarkably lovely with that neon-pink color on it. This whole experience was giving Kieran some interesting inspiration for a new body painting photography project.
“It’s a good thing I invited her over for dinner, then. Isn’t it?”
“What?” Kieran asked, shaken from his thoughts on a naked Nolan and body painting. “Are you kidding? When? How? Did she say yes?”
Nolan moved to his hands and knees, slowly pinning Kieran to the floor and tossing his muscular leg over Kieran’s abdomen to straddle him. Kieran could feel his semierect cock rubbing against Nolan’s ass, and he just wanted to fuck him all over again. He couldn’t get enough of the man.
“She didn’t agree yet. Something about being busy cleaning out her folks’ house getting in the way.” He leaned over and kissed Kieran’s lips, sipping at him like the finest of whiskeys. “You’ll just have to do a little work the next few classes to get her to agree.”
“Do a little work?” Kieran asked, loving the devious nature of Nolan’s mind. When the man caught something in his sights, he pursued it with narrow-minded focus.
Nolan huffed in exasperation, standing over Kieran and helping him to his feet. Large hands framed Kieran’s face as he looked into Nolan’s eyes. “You still don’t have any actual awareness of your utter attractiveness, do you?”
Kieran tilted his head to the right. “No…?”
“Put your mat in front of h
er during class and make sure to stretch your ass right in her face.” Kieran shivered as Nolan’s hands moved from his face to his shaft, stroking and teasing from base to tip. Fuck, Nolan’s hands were magic. “Wear those tight yoga pants you know I love—the ones that frame this sexy cock.”
“I thought it was just a dinner invitation,” Kieran said, watching Nolan as the muscular lawman went to his knees in front of him.
“It is, baby. But maybe it could also be a seduction.” With that, he engulfed Kieran’s cock in his mouth and proved just how thorough and effective a well-planned seduction could be.
Chapter Four
On the outside Lore was composed with a generous and understanding smile. On the inside, she was a raging fire of pissed-off female fury, itching to wring the neck of the skinny bitch on the opposite side of the counter. It had taken Lore a week of back and forth on the phone trying to figure out where she needed to send the documents regarding her mother’s death in order to acquire some items in a storage facility her mom had apparently held outside of town. Everything had been worked out; now all she needed to do was conquer the one woman standing in her way like a ten-ton brick wall. This particular brick wall had a neon-green scrunchie in her teased-to-hell hair.
“Ma’am, I’m telling you,” the neon-green scrunchie postal worker said through loud chews of her gum. “There is no such place as you’re describing.”
“I assure you there is. Now please just accept this package and mail it.” She placed her hand on the thick manila envelope and laughed lightly as if she were telling a joke. “May I ask why you care if it doesn’t get where it’s going? It’s my package.”
The woman looked as if Lore had called her mother a whore. “Ma’am, this is the United States Postal Service; we always care that your package gets where it’s going. Where do you think you are? UPS?”